Actors on line meet up
(free group)
We meet up twice a month on zoom and help support one another with running scenes, comparing back grounds, learning how to audition for commercials, etc. If interested send me an email at barb@scene-1.com
Did you know casting directors tend to move on from your clip if it doesn't grab them in the first few seconds? Make your clips count! Don't use footage that's bad just for the sake of footage? Don't think you can afford to get a good clip? Can't afford not to have good footage. Want to meet a group that can help you write and film good footage, we will be having a zoom call on Tuesday, Feb 22nd. Email with link will be going out.
To see photos of our past workshops, please visit us at https://www.facebook.com/scene1dc
** Pursuant to SAG-AFTRA all Scene 1 workshops are for educational purposes only. No guarantee of employment or representation is implied.
Scene 1's mission is to bring professional development resources to actors of all ages in the Washington, DC metro region. Our mission is to enrich and support local actor talent by bringing well-respected casting directors, industry experts, and film and Broadway stars, to teach and advise us where we live and work. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, we have a class for you.